Most viewed Youtube videos 2014

I was reading this article in The Guardian. It is about the most viewed Youtube videos of 2014. This is my take on these videos and it’s meant to be funny, if you agree then you can tell me why you think I’m wrong or right on my view. Let’s see!!!

First video – Mutant Spider Dog:

– I can say that I enjoyed it. Nice idea, but is just merciless. Why is a “horror” joke the number one most viewed video. We have arrived at a point where we can see only the horror and how people are frightened?

Second video – Winner Stays on

– I think I don’t get it. Maybe it is me. The video is full of football/soccer superstars, but it doesn’t click with me like the second ad that is in this top. Nike had a fantastic marketing behind them in order to achieve 98.8 million views. Come on, aren’t I right? They put stars into an AD and then everybody went ballistic. I don’t like it. Anybody can do it properly but that doesn’t seem is wonderful.

Third video – First kiss

– Leaving aside the fact that we need to have gay kissing and lesbian kissing, the First Kiss video makes you a little bit warm inside, but just a little bit. You start to like it and when you see some “couples” clumsy kisses you may like it, but after this the intensity of the ad drops like below zero. It get’s like a reheated soup. Adding to this is the fact that it seems that some of the persons already new each other. I’m not going to comment on that.

Fourth video – Suor Cristina Succia

– Yes. This is the first video that I can say when I saw it, I got goosebumps. The voice of the nun and the fact that all the 4 judges pressed the button to see who is that means a lot and is the first video that I like from this top 10.

Fifth video – Iphone 6 Plus Bent Test

– I’m not a big fan of Apple, again is just my feeling. I like Samsung, maybe i’ll switch to HTC, but that doesn’t mean that this bending couldn’t happen to anything. If it was me then I can tell you that that if I would pay 600 pounds for an Iphone, I would take care of it and not put it in my back pocket and them sit on it. Every commodity has is own operating characteristics, if Iphone failed to inform the customers about them, then YES, they should lose customers.

Sixth video – Bars & Melody

– This is a Britain’s Got Talent melody written (only the lyrics) by two school boys. The song is about bullying and about how hard is for the bullied. Because of the trauma that they endure, not even their own parents don’t realize how tormented they are. This for me on a social scale is the number one video.

Seventh video – Puppy love

– Nice, warm, friendly ad. Even if doesn’t have one drop of beer in it, this video is about Budweiser beer. The connection between the two animals is really wonderful and straight forward. I wish humans were like this.

Eighth video – Devil baby attack

– Again a little horror video with a baby from beyond the grave. I don’t know if that is right. About the only the only thing that I like is the set up of the wheelchair and the baby. If you see in the video when they put the plate with the baby in the wheelchair you will get what I mean. This guys are pro, I don’t understand why they didn’t do something smart, to benefit people, not scare them.

Ninth video – Goku vs Superman: Epic Rap Battle

– Ingenious video. Really. I had fun watching it. The team that makes it is good. I can’t wait to see other rap battles, but maybe they will change the type of music, maybe cha cha, bachata or classical music. I like the association of Superman and Goku because both of them get their power from the sun, at least this is what we know

Tenth video – 10 Hours of walking in NYC as a Woman

– This video surfaced I think a couple of months ago. It shows a woman walking on the street of New York city and being harassed by people on the street because she looks nice and is dressed normal. There are and probably they will be more discussion on this video. I think the harassment is real and is not normal, but on the other hand if a person is good looking you will for sure take a peek? Right? I would certainly do it. Of course, I will say words like: Baby, Pussy, Pus, Honey, etc to a complete stranger.  I think also that in this time and age is really hard to get to know the opposite sex and because of social website and apps we don’t tend to talk anymore and not see each other as possible partners to each other.


This is my personal review of the YouTube videos. I just can’t wait for the 2015 one. What do you think is going to be the number one next year?

Ce kkt mananca toti

Am vazut stirea in care Crin Antonescu isi da cu parerea despre lupta prezidentiala. Ce m-a surprins maxim este ca a spus ca dupa ce a vazut ce face Victor Ponta el va merge duminica la vot.
Adica tu boule pana acum nu mergeai la vot? Adica lasa sa se duca prostimea la vot ca eu stau acasa ca boss-ul. Chiar nu putem sa Walk the walk and not just Talk the walk.
Mergeti la vot si votati cu oricine numai mergeti la vot

Alegeri prezidentiale Romania 2014 #4

Acum ca s-a terminat turul I al alegerilor toata lumea lanseaza analize peste analize. Cine il va spriji pe Klaus, cine pe Ponta, de ce in localitati fara facultati, fara turism s-a votat 10% din totalul voturilor.

“Presedintele care uneste”, asta e sloganul lui Victor Ponta. Inafara faptului ca si-a batut joc de romanii din diaspora, el nu poate fi acuzat de nimic, cum nici Johannis nu poate fi acuzat ca e neamt, ca nu are copii, ca are 6 case etc.

Orice comentariu este de prisos si este in acelasi timp nici nu poate fi combatut. Nu trebuie sa spunem, NU PONTA sau NU JOHANNIS. Ei nu au nici o vina. Ei isi expun, TO THE BEST of their knowledge, platforma partidului. Noi suntem cei care trebuie sa facem alegerea intre ei si recunosc ca in multe privinte, chiar daca ideile lor sunt argumentate tehnic si temeinic nu pot sa le inteleg. Daca eu si colegii mei cu care vorbesc nu intelegem anumite chestii si votam pe unul sau altul in nestiinta de cauza, ce va asteptati de la cei care au 4-8 clase, cei care nu au luat BAC-ul si asa mai departe.

Dar poate si ei au o vina, toti care s-au perindat dupa 1989 la putere au venit si au tras pentru ciolanul lor exclusiv. Niciodata nu s-au gandit la ciolanul romanului, adica la ce trebuie romanul de rand sa puna pe masa.


Alegeri prezidentiale Romania 2014 #3

Imi este peste putinta sa inteleg cum pot unii sa-l voteze pe Ponta care are o echipa de campanie care-l sfatuieste foarte prost. Pentru ce sa faci acord cu Corneliu Vadim Tudor. Stirea este aici. Tu, Victor Ponta, te lauzi si esti laudat de dl Dragnea ca ai cel mai mare scor EVER – peste 40% din voturile romanilor de pretutindeni si legi un acord de sustinere cu CVT-ul pentru 3.68% din voturi care inseamna undeva aproximativ 350.000 de votanti. Tu pui cap la cap un nationalist cu cel mai mare dusman al sau UDMR-ul cu care ai deja un acord.

Nu pot intelege aceasta miscare decat prin prisma faptului ca lui Victor Viorel Ponta ii este frica sa nu piarda si incearca sa adune fiecare farama de alegatori.

Nu uitati mergeti la vot pe 16 noiembrie si votati. Asta e important!

Alegeri prezidentiale Romania 2014 #1

Nu o sa scriu, ca toata lumea din blogosfera, atmosfera si din alternosfera despre alegerile prezidentiale din Romania. Nu cred ca as avea ceva nou de adaugat si oricum nu pot sa-mi exprim frustrarile legate de candidati. In schimb o sa scriu un mesaj simplu corect si coerent fara apanajul tuturor ideilor legate de 89, democratie, stat de drept etc.